定窯 白瓷嬰兒枕
White-glazed Pillow in the Shape of a Recumbent Child
北宋 西元960-1127
Northern Song dynasty AD960-1127鉤連乳丁紋羊首罍
Lei wine vessel with goat-head high reliefs and knob pattern
商晚期 西元前1600-1046 Late Shang dynasty BC1600-1046
Autumn Colors on the Ch'iao and Hua Mountains
元 西元1279-1368 Yuan dynasty AD1279-1368
趙孟頫 Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322)牡丹
清 西元1644-1911 Qing dynasty AD1644-1911
惲壽平 Yun Shou-p'ing汝窯 青瓷蓮花式溫碗
Warming Bowl in the Shape of a Flower with Light Bluish-green Glaze, Ju ware
北宋 西元960-1127 Northern Song dynasty AD960-1127
定窯 白瓷嬰兒枕
White-glazed Pillow in the Shape of a Recumbent Child
北宋 西元960-1127
Northern Song dynasty AD960-1127鉤連乳丁紋羊首罍
Lei wine vessel with goat-head high reliefs and knob pattern
商晚期 西元前1600-1046 Late Shang dynasty BC1600-1046